Redland Meetings for Worship
Our Sunday Meetings for Worship are in a “blended” form, with most Friends gathering in the Meeting House and some attending on Zoom. You are very welcome to join us!
Please just turn up – or email the clerk of Redland Meeting for the Zoom link: redland.clerk@bristolquakers.org.uk

Find out more about what it means to be a Quaker today and where the roots of Quakerism lie

Redland Quaker Meeting
General information about our Meeting, children's groups and activities

Members & Attenders
Further information for those already familiar with Redland Quaker Meeting
Redland Quaker
Meeting House
126 Hampton Road Redland Bristol BS6 6JEMeeting times
Meeting for Worship:
Every Sunday at 11.00am
with Children’s Meeting during term times.
Early morning Meeting for Worship:
1st and 3rd Sundays at 8.30am.
Sharing Lunch:
2nd Sunday of the month after Meeting for Worship.
Redland welcomes the curious – it is a large but friendly meeting – do drop in