Quakers at Redland
Redland is a local Quaker meeting in Bristol, UK. Our meeting house can be found at 126 Hampton Rd., Redland, Bristol BS6 6JE. Among many other activities, we hold a regular public meeting for worship for one hour each Sunday from 11 am. All – including children – are welcome to come and take part, and see what a Quaker meeting for worship is like. There will not be any pressure on you to join or sign up!
You can contact us at redland.clerk@bristolquakers.org.uk.
Redland is one of seven local meetings within Bristol Area Quaker Meeting. To find out more about Bristol Area Meeting and its other local meetings, see www.bristolquakers.org.uk. Bristol is in turn one of some seventy Area Meetings within Britain Yearly Meeting, which has its headquarters at Friends House in London – see www.quaker.org.uk.
The Meeting Today
Redland is a fairly large meeting, with typically about 60 members and attenders at the main Sunday Meeting for Worship. There are children’s meetings every week during the term time, with children joining the main Meeting for Worship for the first fifteen minutes, and again at the end.
Meeting times
Meeting for Worship: Sunday at 11.00am* with children’s classes.
Early morning meeting: 1st and 3rd Sundays at 8.30am.
Sharing Lunch: 2nd Sunday of the month after Meeting for Worship.