Nontheist Friends Network Regional Conference, South-West England – “Nontheism Among Friends: its place within our Religious Society”

October 28, 2017 @ 1:30 pm – 4:30 pm
Redland Meeting House

Nontheist Friends Network (NFN)
Regional Conference, South-West England

Nontheism Among Friends: its place within our Religious Society
Saturday October 28, 1 – 4.30pm at Redland Meeting House

How does a nontheist Quaker perspective impact on worship, ministry, Quaker practice and outreach? What can ‘that of God in everyone’ or ‘seeking God’s will’ mean to a nontheist? What contribution can nontheist Friends make to any revision of Quaker Faith & Practice?

These are some of the questions that will be discussed in a spirit of worship sharing in the first of what NFN hopes will be a new series of regional conferences in major cities across Britain. It is open to Friends of all theological persuasions! Members and non-members of NFN are all welcome.

Speakers will include David Boulton and Hugh Rock.

Tea, coffee and cake are provided, and you are welcome to bring a snack lunch if required.

No pre-registration  is required, but please let us know if you plan to attend by contacting Linda Ewes, either by email or by phoning 0117 973 5733.

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