Learning aims to help people to discover and explore what being a Quaker is all about, and Action is about living in a Quaker way, working to make the world a better place.
We organise various learning activities, including study courses and groups, and Meetings for Learning on a Sunday morning. We also provide information about courses run by Woodbrooke Quaker Study Centre in Birmingham, and we maintain a library of books on free loan.
We work to bring Quaker action into the wider world. We provide information and encourage participation in the local, national and international work of Quaker Peace and Social Action. We support many local charities (such as those working with refugees and asylum seekers in Bristol) by appealing for donations each Sunday, and encourage help in other ways such as voluntary work. We promote a Quaker presence in, for example, peace movements and rallies in support of local refugees, and at appropriate peaceful demonstrations and protests.
We provide information about Quakers and encourage people to meet us through notices and information inside and outside our Meeting House, and encouraging anyone interested to find out more through our website, freely-available leaflets and personal contact.