
Quaker Question Time

organised by the youth project
at 7pm on Tuesday 14 July

A panel of young and older Quakers, compered by Mark Smalley, will gather on zoom to respond to your questions on life and being a Quaker in these times.

This takes place of the event we had hoped to organised in person at Bradford on Avon Meeting House – we hope it will be a fun event and would love you to join us – please sign up in advance at . Get in touch with with any. questions?


Kirsty Philbrick
Youth Development Worker

Quaker Life

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Meetings for Learning goes Zoom

We are holding the first virtual Meeting for Learning on 21 June, using Zoom. ‘Real’ Meetings for Learning, normally held on the 3rd Sunday of the month at 10am, of course stopped after the March meeting on the theme of the Quaker Peace Testimony.

We’ll see how it goes, but if successful we’ll continue in this way until we can resume meeting in person. Of course we are aware that Zoom meetings don’t work for everybody, but we feel it’s better than nothing. Plus it may have the advantage that Friends who struggle to get to the Meeting House may find Zoom easier.

Plans for future topics include more sessions on the Quaker Testimonies of Equality and Truth: what these mean for Quakers today.

Do please get in touch with any thoughts about topics for future Meetings for Learning, your experience of having these online, and any ideas for improvements.

Linda Ewles
Learning and Action Hub Coordinator

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Meeting for Learning: The Quaker Peace Testimony – what does it mean for us today?

15 March, 10.00 – 10.45 in the Library

Jenni Harris will lead a discussion on The Quaker Peace Testimony – what does it mean for us today? How can we promote peace? We will hear the views of Jenni’s relative who was a conscientious objector in WWI, and think about challenges to pacifism in today’s world.

This theme of Peace links with the showing of the film ‘War School’ on 8 March, and the Peace Lecture on 14 March. These events will undoubtedly raise issues relevant to the Peace Testimony, but of course it’s fine to come to the Meeting for Learning if you didn’t see the film or the Peace Lecture.

Meetings for Learning are usually held monthly in the Meeting House upstairs library. They start at 10.00 prompt, and end at 10.45 so Friends can then go to Meeting for Worship. Everyone is welcome.  Just turn up in time for a 10am start, prepared to be stimulated, challenged or informed – or all three!

There won’t be a Meeting for Learning in April, because so many of us will be at the Friendship Weekend at Ammerdown. Ideas for topics and offers to lead sessions after Easter are very welcome.

Linda Ewles
Coordinator, Learning and Action Hub



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50 Cities – 50 Traces. One world without nuclear weapons

International Art & Peace Project 2018–20

The Mayors for Peace Exhibition will be in the Vestibules Gallery in City Hall, Bristol throughout February. It will be accessible to the public during the 20 weekdays, and any support from volunteers to help staff the exhibition would be much appreciated.

Please contact the editors if you are interested in participating and require contact details or click here to download more information.


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Redland Friendship Weekend: a reminder

17th – 19th April 

A weekend for members, attenders and our families in Redland meeting where we will be exploring the theme of ‘Vision 20/20’

We have booked the Ammerdown Centre near Radstock, so that up to 70 of us can spend a weekend together, involved in a range of all-age activities, sharing meals and having time to relax and get to know each other better. We have chosen the theme of ‘Vision 20/20’, in which we can explore the Quaker vision for our complex world and how we, as Quakers, respond to its challenges. Once again we will be offering opportunities for both inward reflection and outward action while we also explore the meaning of friendship within and beyond our religious community.

The timetable is varied and exciting, with lots of choice, drawing on the many talents and strengths in our Meeting. We will also have plenty of time for old favourites like mindful walking, singing, and of course the quiz! There will be debates, a People’s Assembly, craft activities, discussions about Quaker history and women’s history, Meeting for Worship along with cocoa, a night walk, tree identification and even tree planting. We plan to have an open mic session around the fire wok so perhaps you have a musical instrument you would like to play, a song to share, a rap, a dance to teach us: we look forward to hearing from you! None of these activities are compulsory – if you just want to relax, deepen friendships and explore Ammerdown itself, that’s fine too. You can choose as many, or as few activities as you like, or even none. Just come!

If you have never been away with us and are curious, please ask around; most needs can be met and most concerns answered. Ammerdown is warm and comfortable, well organised and spacious – perfect for our needs. The booking form is available on our the Members and Attenders page of the Redland website (or click here) or at the Meeting House. The cost of the weekend is £210 for an adult and covers full board from 5pm on Friday evening until after lunch on Sunday. This includes £14 to help support those on more limited means. (There are significantly reduced rates for children.) Please do not let the cost be a deterrent: there is financial support available if you require it.

The deadline for booking is February 29th! Please book now.

submitted by Jenni Harris



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Meetings for Learning – What does it mean for Redland to be a Sanctuary Meeting?

16 February, 10-10.45 in the Library

Caroline Beatty will lead us in considering this question. It is a timely discussion, following the Sanctuary Everywhere annual meeting on 26 January at Redland Meeting House (see elsewhere in this newsletter).  This meeting for learning is open to all friends, and will include discussion of the connection between our Sanctuary commitment and other concerns of the Meeting, such as climate change and homelessness.

Meetings for Learning are usually held monthly in the Meeting House upstairs library. They start at 10.00 prompt, and end at 10.45 so Friends can then go to Meeting for Worship. Everyone is welcome.  Just turn up in time for a 10am start, prepared to be stimulated, challenged or informed – or all three!

Ideas for topics and offers to lead sessions are very welcome. We would especially like Friends to offer to lead sessions on living our other Testimonies – Peace, Equality,Truth – in today’s world.

Linda Ewles
Coordinator, Learning and Action Hub



Meetings for Learning – What does it mean for Redland to be a Sanctuary Meeting? Read More »

‘War School’ film

Sunday March 8th 

Showing of the film ‘War School’
at Redland Quaker Meeting House

Set against the backdrop of Remembrance, this controversial and challenging documentary reveals how, faced with unprecedented opposition to its wars, the British government is using a series of new and targeted strategies to promote support for the military.

You can watch the trailer on:

This documentary has generated debate among Friends already!  Come along and see it for yourself on Sunday March 8th, at 2 p.m, immediately after our shared lunch.  The film lasts 82 minutes and is rated 15+ because it contains strong language and some scenes of violence.  The director, Mic Dixon, has been invited to the screening along with others who hold differing views, so there will be some discussion afterwards along with an opportunity to ask questions.

Jenni Harris

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Meetings for Learning

Meetings for Learning are usually held monthly in the Meeting House upstairs library. They start at 10.00 prompt, and end at 10.45 so Friends can then go to Meeting for Worship. Everyone is welcome.  Just turn up in time for a 10am start, prepared to be stimulated, challenged or informed – or all three!

Here’s what we’ve got coming up in 2020:

19 January: Simplicity – not a simple testimony

We start the year with a new occasional series about our Quaker Testimonies and what they mean as we try to live our lives by them in the 21st century. This session is led by Heather Lister, when we’ll consider Simplicity – which is far from simple in today’s complex world.

16 February: What does it mean for Redland to be a Sanctuary Meeting?

Caroline Beatty will lead us in considering this question. It is a timely discussion, following the Sanctuary Everywhere annual meeting on 26 January at Redland Meeting House (see elsewhere in this newsletter).  This meeting for learning is open to all friends, and will include discussion of the connection between our Sanctuary commitment and other concerns of the Meeting, such as climate change and homelessness.

Ideas for topics and offers to lead sessions are very welcome. We would especially like Friends to offer to lead sessions on living our other Testimonies – Peace, Equality,Truth – in today’s world.

Linda Ewles
Coordinator, Learning and Action Hub



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Reminder – Redland Friendship Weekend

17th – 19th April 2020

To book – Click here to download the Information & Booking Form document , or pick up a paper copy from the newsletter rack in the Meeting House, and send it to Mark Spring (

About – This is a weekend for members, attenders and our families in Redland meeting where we will be exploring the theme of  ‘Vision 20/20’

We have booked the Ammerdown Centre near Radstock again, so that up to 70 of us can spend a weekend together, involved in a range of all-age activities, sharing meals and having time to relax and get to know each other better at a deeper level. We have chosen the theme of ‘Vision 20/20’, in which we can explore the Quaker vision for our complex world and how we, as Quakers, respond to its challenges. Once again, we plan to offer opportunities for both inward reflection and outward action while we also explore the meaning of friendship within and beyond our religious community.

We are developing a varied and exciting timetable, with lots of choice, drawing on the many talents and strengths in our Meeting. We will also have plenty of time for old favourites: mindful walking, singing, meeting for worship, walks, campfire and cocoa, and of course the quiz! We plan to have an open mic session around the fire wok so perhaps you have a musical instrument you would like to play, a song to share, a rap, a dance to teach us: we look forward to hearing from you!

If you have never been away with us and are curious please ask around, most needs can be met, and most concerns answered. Ammerdown is warm and comfortable, well organised and spacious – perfect for our needs. The booking form is available on our website or at the Meeting House. The closing date for booking is February 29th, 2020.

submitted by Jenni Harris

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Redland Friendship Weekend 2020

17th – 19th April 

A weekend for Redland Meeting members, attenders and our families, where we will be exploring the following theme:

Vision 20/20

We have booked the Ammerdown Centre near Radstock again, so that up to 70 of us can spend a weekend together, involved in a range of all-age activities, sharing meals and having time to relax and get to know each other better at a deeper level.  We have chosen the theme of ‘Vision 20/20’, in which we can explore the Quaker vision for our complex world and how we, as Quakers, respond to its challenges.  Once again we plan to offer opportunities for both inward reflection and outward action while we also explore the meaning of friendship within and beyond our religious community.

What we have planned:

This year our planning is centred on a range of activities that we can all enjoy together.  This worked so successfully in 2018 that once again we do not plan to have separate programmes for different age groups.

Examples of our contemplative stream might be storytelling, meditation, centering prayer, dance, and creative writing.  Our action stream might include making refugee doves, planting seeds for guerrilla gardening, engaging in dialogue, action planning, ceilidh dancing, drama and craft activities.  These are just some of the themes emerging in our planning.  We will also have lots of time for old favourites: art, yoga, mindful walking, singing, meeting for worship, walks, campfire and cocoa, and of course the quiz!  We will be asking for volunteers from our Sharing Circles to suggest activities and perhaps to lead them so we will have a varied and exciting timetable drawing on the many talents and strengths in our Meeting.  You can dip in and out; there will be space for quiet contemplation and conversation as well as plenty to absorb energetic people of all ages.

To book

If you would like to come, please fill in the booking form on the Redland Meeting website (click here to download the Information & Booking Form document), or pick up a paper copy from the newsletter rack in the Meeting House, and send it to Mark Spring (

To help

Can you help?  Do you have ideas for activities?  Please contact Jenni Harris (  It could be as simple as bringing a poem, a musical instrument, a song to teach (or to ask to be taught), wool for knitting, a game to play or a reading you have found inspiring or helpful.

Sharing travel

We will strive to make this a zero-waste weekend.  Please indicate either if you would like to be a passenger with somebody who is planning to drive or if can offer a lift in your car.  If there is enough interest, we will organise a minibus.

If you have never been away with us and are curious please ask around, most needs can be met and most concerns answered.  Ammerdown is warm and comfortable, well organised and spacious – perfect for our needs.  We’d like to ensure everybody can come who wants to … and that you feel welcome.  Perhaps you’d consider sharing your contact details prior to the weekend so that groups of us or pairs can connect and support each other.  This is about practical community-building, so even if you cannot come to Ammerdown, we hope you can participate.  We hope all of us will be touched and changed by the experience, in ways which turn out to be positive, enriching, energising and affirming.

submitted by Mark Spring

For more details on the Ammerdown venue, go to



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