Sunday 18 October, 10am
What do Friends mean by ‘Worship’?
…Or by ‘Discernment’, ‘That of God in Everyone’, ‘Ministry’, ‘Holding in the Light’, ‘Living Your Beliefs’,
‘Being Led’? We’re starting a new series of Meetings for Learning this month, looking at key Quaker words and phrases and sharing what they mean for us.
Do come along and join in – all are welcome and there’s no pressure to speak if you don’t want to. It’s a good opportunity to explore aspects of being a Quaker today with other Friends, can be stimulating and surprising, and always provides food for thought.
This month we’ll be talking about ‘Worship’. Rita Smith is going to start us off with her thoughts, on Sunday 18 October, 10am.
Meetings for Learning are held on the 3rd Sunday of the month, from 10 am until 10.45, on Zoom at present. Zoom details and further reminders are published in Notices.
And do get in touch if you would be willing to lead a Meeting for Learning – you’re not expected to be an expert, just prepared to share a few thoughts for about ten minutes to get the ball rolling.
Linda Ewles
Coordinator, Learning & Action Hub