15 March, 10.00 – 10.45 in the Library
Jenni Harris will lead a discussion on The Quaker Peace Testimony – what does it mean for us today? How can we promote peace? We will hear the views of Jenni’s relative who was a conscientious objector in WWI, and think about challenges to pacifism in today’s world.
This theme of Peace links with the showing of the film ‘War School’ on 8 March, and the Peace Lecture on 14 March. These events will undoubtedly raise issues relevant to the Peace Testimony, but of course it’s fine to come to the Meeting for Learning if you didn’t see the film or the Peace Lecture.
Meetings for Learning are usually held monthly in the Meeting House upstairs library. They start at 10.00 prompt, and end at 10.45 so Friends can then go to Meeting for Worship. Everyone is welcome. Just turn up in time for a 10am start, prepared to be stimulated, challenged or informed – or all three!
There won’t be a Meeting for Learning in April, because so many of us will be at the Friendship Weekend at Ammerdown. Ideas for topics and offers to lead sessions after Easter are very welcome.
Linda Ewles
Coordinator, Learning and Action Hub