The New Normal – what should this look like? – Bristol Area Meeting Day Conference

Saturday 16 October 10am – 1pm
Blended event at Redland Meeting House and on Zoom
With a Zoom plenary at 4pm

This year’s QPSW conference will focus on sustainability and social/ racial justice.

Keynote speaker Manu Maunganidze (environmental activist and educator) will offer a challenging perspective on ‘Decolonisation: responsibilities and priorities in a post-covid world’.

He will be followed by Roy Kareem, speaking on ‘Bristol’s Black and Green Ambassadors’.

There will be a short Q&A session after each speaker, then (after a break) small group discussions asking ‘How can Bristol Quakers be part of a just transition to a sustainable world?’.

We hope that as many Friends as possible will attend the morning conference at Redland Meeting House, from 10am – 1pm. There will also be a Zoom option for Friends who cannot come to the Meeting House, with an opportunity to hear the speakers and take part in the Q&A and in Zoom discussion groups. The conference is free and open to Quakers and non-Quakers.

Discussion group leaders will draft a minute of record which will be brought to a plenary Zoom session at 4pm. Everyone is welcome to this concluding session. After acceptance by the conference, our minute will be sent to Area Meeting in session, as a contribution towards shaping Bristol Quakers’ sustainability strategy.

During Saturday afternoon, the Quaker Teens Group will take part in a woodlands activity led jointly by Manu Maunganidze and Kirsty Philbrick at Boiling Wells (St Werburgh). The younger children will also link into the conference theme through a Sunday morning visit to Grow Wilder (17 October).

Please will all conference attenders register as soon as possible through Eventbrite, to help us plan the day:

Zoom details will be sent later to all registered participants.

Julia Bush, Nicky Coates, Graham Davey, Christopher Gwyntopher, Elinor Kershaw, Kate Taylor, Rosaleen Thayer (QPSW conference planning group)