The New Normal – what should this look like? – Bristol Area Meeting Day Conference
Saturday 16 October 10am – 1pm
Blended event at Redland Meeting House and on Zoom
With a Zoom plenary at 4pm
This year’s QPSW conference will focus on sustainability and social/ racial justice.
Keynote speaker Manu Maunganidze (environmental activist and educator) will offer a challenging perspective on ‘Decolonisation: responsibilities and priorities in a post-covid world’.
He will be followed by Roy Kareem, speaking on ‘Bristol’s Black and Green Ambassadors’.
There will be a short Q&A session after each speaker, then (after a break) small group discussions asking ‘How can Bristol Quakers be part of a just transition to a sustainable world?’.
We hope that as many Friends as possible will attend the morning conference at Redland Meeting House, from 10am – 1pm. There will also be a Zoom option for Friends who cannot come to the Meeting House, with an opportunity to hear the speakers and take part in the Q&A and in Zoom discussion groups. The conference is free and open to Quakers and non-Quakers.
Discussion group leaders will draft a minute of record which will be brought to a plenary Zoom session at 4pm. Everyone is welcome to this concluding session. After acceptance by the conference, our minute will be sent to Area Meeting in session, as a contribution towards shaping Bristol Quakers’ sustainability strategy.
During Saturday afternoon, the Quaker Teens Group will take part in a woodlands activity led jointly by Manu Maunganidze and Kirsty Philbrick at Boiling Wells (St Werburgh). The younger children will also link into the conference theme through a Sunday morning visit to Grow Wilder (17 October).
Please will all conference attenders register as soon as possible through Eventbrite, to help us plan the day:
Zoom details will be sent later to all registered participants.
Julia Bush, Nicky Coates, Graham Davey, Christopher Gwyntopher, Elinor Kershaw, Kate Taylor, Rosaleen Thayer (QPSW conference planning group)
The New Normal – what should this look like? – Bristol Area Meeting Day Conference Read More »